
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

5 Ways to Unclutter to Create More Space

5 Ways to Create More Space
1.   Lid Inventory!

Take an inventory of your lids, pots, and pans. Pull them all out and check which lid goes to which pot or pan. You likely have one lid that will fit many of your pots and pans. Do you really need one lid for each pan? When I did this I kept only four lids, one large, two mediums, and a small. I got rid of about 15 lids and created a ton of extra space! This concept could also be expanded to Tupperware containers and lids. 
2. Books
If you have a nook or a kindle then take the time to check for the books taking up shelf space. I found that many of the books that I’ve had sitting around with plans to read for years now, were either free or only a couple of dollars. I downloaded them on my nook and was then able to free up shelf space for other cherished books.
3. Check your cabinets
Take stock of, well, your stock. Look closely at what you have on hand. It could be that many of the canned or boxed items you have on hand have been collecting dust for a while. If the food is still edible plan some meals around those particular items that will use them up and free up the space. I found that I had a ton of canned beans I’d gotten after falling in love with a Puerto Rican dish. After making it numerous times my family got tired of it and the beans had been taking up space every since. So I planned on making Chili a couple of times over the course of the month and we used up the beans and got our cabinet space back.
4. Hang ‘em high
If you’re lacking space for your dishware, consider using cup hooks underneath your cabinet. They took us only a few minutes to screw in and freed up just enough space for our regular cups.
5. Storage
This step may take a bit more time and energy but can yield greater results. If you’ve got items stored away in your garage, attic, and especially if you’re paying for a storage unit, then take the time to go through and discard the things you don’t really need or have room for. We found that nearly our entire 10x15 storage unit was full of items we were hanging onto for “one day” when we had a bigger place. By getting rid of the things we didn’t have the space for we turned our storage space from a necessity to a luxury. We then transferred many of the seasonal storage items from our garage to our storage unit and freed up space for tools and exercise equipment. We also made over $300 by selling the items that we had no space for.

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